Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Create Magic and Savor

This  reminder is on my studio wall...
a great philosophy when it comes to creating art.
Creating is the magical part, the part we need to summon up
all our energy and spirit for.

Little rituals help.
I clean and organize as much as I can at the end of each day,
but those first few moments are for choosing a canvas, 
laying out tubes of paint, contemplating what I need
to begin the magic.
Then the strokes of my magic wand....OK, it's a charcoal pencil.

Here you can see brushes ready to go, paper towel waiting,
easel standing at attention with a brand new board.
That cute black and white power tool with the pink accents is a heat gun, not a blow dryer.
 I promise it will fry your hair.
It helps when I'm in  hurry.

You can also see I have a thing for butterflies.
It's the concept of transformation.
That's what we're all doing , all the time. It's just that sometimes
 we're controlling the process,
and sometimes the process is controlling us.
We do get to choose most of the time,
some of us just don't realize that is a possibility.
There is a lot more to savor,
if you control the magic.

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