Thursday, February 19, 2015

The wonder of Q-tips!

Chai Tea Roses
Click here to buy

It has taken me awhile to figure out how to do Winter.
Not easy for a woman who lived in the Southwest for oh so many years.
Boots, gloves, hats and scarves.
Grab what's needed to begin with,
then after ten years of ice and snow
I got the hang of it!

Now I have a lovely wardrobe of scarves.
I can match an outfit!
I was gifted with a pair of nice leather gloves, lined with thinsulite...yum
My boots are bright orange with yellow and gold flowers....
What can beat that?

Oh, maybe a cup of chai tea.
Yes, I am a coffee shop lurker,
but winter calls for a hot cup of tea,
with just a bit if sweetness
and something creamy on top.
Comfort is what dealing with winter is all about.

On the easel today I tried a new technique...
one I had heard about from several other artfolk.
I love working in an impressionistic style,
 but all those white mixed colors just looked heavy and chalky.
So I borrowed some Q-tips from my little bath sanctuary....
yes, it is a sanctuary, but that story is for another day.
I blocked in the painting focusing on where my darks and purest color would go.
Then a touched the Q-tip into some thinner and lifted out my whites.
Just like watercolor painting.
In fact there is a luminescent quality about this little painting
I quite like!

I am teaching a watercolor workshop this Saturday
at the Green Door Art Gallery
and so I have been playing with my watercolors,
remembering why I love them so.
Flow and lift.
Wonders of color and paint.
Comfort in creativity...
while I sip my Chai.

Take a moment to fix yourself a cup of tea,
visit my website here
and treat yourself to a bit of color
of your very own.
I price my work so you can collect!