Thursday, July 21, 2016

New works and a bit of catching up

Oh my!
It's been a long time since I've been here.
So I've tidied up a bit.
Changed a few things here and there.
Preparing for the next big project.
Yep, I've got a surprise coming for you, but that's for another day.
For today, we"ll play a bit of catch up.
Last up was my first angel.
Since then I've been painting and drawing angels
like a mad woman.
Some have wings, some are just little angels.
Angel faces.
You know I work in a photo studio
that caters to children and their families.
I love my work.
I love creating beautiful images of the children.
So it wasn't surprising when I started to want to draw tiny faces.
The Renaissance artists called them "putti",
baby angels.
Their tiny faces have an entirely different proportion from adults.
What I really love is their expressions.
So honest, even when their sad, like the little one above.

Sometimes I just got carried away and the little ones went WILD!

I had no idea I could have this much fun with a pencil and an eraser.
I actually only use the eraser to add shapes and highlights.
I have some erasers that look like pencils
and I can sharpen them to tiny points to get details.

I am also using some water soluble pencils and charcoal.
Everything gets sealed so not a single smear or smudge can happen
once I am finished.

That's it for now.
Next up will be my winged angels.
I've painted one for each of the terrorist attacks.
Just painting them helps soothe me
a little, gives me hope,
and a prayer for a world with a bit more

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